Classy is a way of searching for classes based on departments, distribs, periods, and medians. It allows you to find the best fits for you based on your priorities in a course.
You can build a search by using criteria. You can add a criteria for the department, distrib, period, or median. For each criteria, you can then choose one or more of the choices, and give it a number of points. Classes that meet elements of each criteria will be given the number of points for that criteria, and the top classes will be returned, sorted by median. If you're only searching for one criteria, the number of points is irrelevant.
A sample search is displayed below, with an ECON class being most important (3 points), the 'LIT' distrib being second most important (2 points), and the time blocks '10' and '11' least important (1 point).
You can choose to filter out your past classes by copying and pasting your unofficial transcript. The only information it will take is the department and class # for each class you've taken, and none of the information will be stored or saved. This is optional.